Charitable Giving

Make An Impact

We all have personal reasons for giving to charity, but at the core of our intention is a common desire to make a meaningful impact on the causes we care about. We can help you customize a giving program to meet your goals.

Though you may have the capacity and desire to give, often the logistics needed to accomplish those philanthropic goals can be daunting. Creating a planned giving strategy can help, whether it's determining the most effective way to make an impact, building a legacy, or ensuring you benefit from the tax advantages of charitable giving.

Planned giving strategies can help you transfer substantial assets over a period of years without triggering the federal gift tax. Options like lifetime gifts can be one of the most effective ways of minimizing estate taxes.

Charitable giving not only benefits those in need, it also brings you and your family personal satisfaction. Good deeds endure long after the financial benefits are realized.

Effective Giving Strategies

  • Qualified Charitable Donations (QCD’s) can be very effective as a way to donate from a retirement account directly to a qualified charity. In doing so, you can avoid the taxable income of the IRA distribution.
  • Donor Advised Funds (DAF) can provide flexibility to direct your donations over time while leveraging tax advantages immediately.
  • Personal and family foundations are a popular tool to responsibly and effectively transfer wealth from your estate to the charities you select. Foundations can be established to enable you and your family to give strategically over the years, building a lifelong commitment to philanthropy.
  • A charitable remainder trust (CRT) is another alternative that lets you defer capital gains taxes on highly appreciated assets, such as stocks and real estate. Planned gifts through a charitable remainder trust can reduce your estate taxes, provide an immediate charitable income tax deduction, increase your spendable income, and protect your family’s financial future.

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