Cybersecurity Series: A Guide to Email Security

Oct 31, 2023 Willow Creek Wealth Management Posted in Cybersecurity, Instructional, Video

Here’s a Cybersecurity video from Willow Creek's IT expert (and CEO), Tim Admire to help you keep your systems safe and secure. 

Today, we're diving into the critical topic of email security. We'll cover key points to protect yourself from phishing and spoofed emails and introduce you to our secure email procedures, all aimed at safeguarding your financial assets.

Cybersecurity Tips for Email Security


Phishing attacks are a significant danger in today's digital world. These fraudulent emails aim to deceive you into disclosing sensitive information like login credentials and financial details. Keep a sharp eye out for emails requesting personal or financial data, particularly if they create a sense of urgency.

Beware of Spoofed Emails

Spoofed emails can be convincingly disguised as legitimate messages. Cybercriminals manipulate the sender's email address to make it appear as if it's from a trusted source. Always double-check the sender's email address and be cautious of unexpected requests for money or personal information.

Phishing Isn't Limited to Email

Phishing isn't limited to emails alone. Scammers might also use phone calls or SMS messages to deceive you. They might pose as a trusted entity or claim an urgent matter requiring your immediate attention. Always verify such requests with a trusted source.

Willow Creek's Secure Email Procedures

At Willow Creek, we take the security of your information very seriously. When we send you files, we use a secure service called ShareFile. These secure emails are a safer alternative to regular email attachments, as they don't traverse public email servers. Look for the "ShareFile" branding and our company logo to identify them.

Prioritizing the Security of Your Financial Assets

Safeguarding your financial assets is a top priority for us. When it comes to money movement, we have stringent procedures in place. Whenever we receive new banking instructions or wire transfer requests, we'll always verify them directly with you via a phone call. This extra layer of security ensures that these requests are legitimate and coming from you.

Remain Vigilant

Remember that email phishing and wire fraud are among the highest risk areas for our clients. Be diligent and cautious when responding to email requests, especially those involving your financial information. If you ever have any doubts or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We Are Here to Help

Online security, especially regarding your financial assets, is paramount. Willow Creek is dedicated to ensuring the safety of your information. By following the guidance shared in this post, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with email phishing and protect your valuable assets. Willow Creek also offers complimentary cybersecurity checkups to all our clients. If you'd like to schedule yours, or if you have any questions about safeguarding your data, please don't hesitate to reach out.